1 Corinthians (Adults)

Chapter 9

Lesson written by Beth and Murray Wade

1 Corinthians Questions

Text: 1 Corinthians chapter 9 [please read the text & answer the questions below]


1. Paul asks several rhetorical questions in verses 1-2. What point do you think he is trying to make with these questions?



2. Paul refers to the Corinthian brethren as "the seal" of his apostleship. What does this mean?



3. What right(s) or authority is Paul defending with regard to himself and Barnabas?



4. What human examples does he cite to make his point?



5. What examples in human life experience does he cite to make his point?



6. What biblical or spiritual examples does he cite to make his point?



7. After Paul makes his point, does he demand that the Corinthians reward him or does he give up that right? Please explain your answer.



8. What did Paul do in order to win souls to Christ?



9. When people run and compete in a physical race, who receives the crown? When people run the spiritual race, who wins the crown?



10. What is the most important quality or character trait needed to compete successfully, whether in a physical or a spiritual race?